From landfill to refill: cleaning products that clean the ocean
22 Comments/in Living With Less Waste, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)This post is a sponsored collaboration with Zero Co. When I started my waste journey back in 2012, I primarily wanted to reduce my plastic. A few month in I realised that reducing waste isn’t just about the plastic, and so I worked on reducing all my single-use packaging – metals, paper, cardboard, steel and […]

Not buying it: 5 tips for buying less stuff
38 Comments/in Less Stuff/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)The world doesn’t have a recycling crisis, it has an overconsumption crisis. These words (by my friend Oberon, author of the book The Family Guide to Waste-Free Living) ring true to my ears. Sure, we need returnable packaging and reusable products and fixable items, single-use items that compost, products that are designed to last, and […]

How to start a Grow Free Cart (+ share surplus produce with your community)
3 Comments/in Permaculture Gardening, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)A Grow Free cart is simply a cart (or a stand, or a table – any surface really) where home-grown produce, preserves, seeds and seedlings are placed and made available to anyone in the community. It’s the ultimate answer to “how can I share my surplus with my neighbours”, or on a more basics level, […]

5 ways the zero waste / plastic-free conversation is changing in 2021
11 Comments/in Plastic Free Living, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)How we think and feel about and take action with zero waste and plastic-free living has certainly changed over the years, and 2020 was no exception. But despite all the change and uncertainty and distractions of the last 12 months, I do think that the zero waste and plastic-free movements are here to stay – […]

37 ways to use less plastic in 2022
20 Comments/in Plastic Free Living/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)One of the most common sustainability goals that I hear is people wanting to use less plastic. It’s such an insidious material, plastic, seeping into every aspect our lives and causing litter, pollution, health issues, harm to wildlife, environmental damage… and using up valuable fossil fuels in the process (99% of plastic is currently made […]

5 simple (and free) things you can do to have a more sustainable 2021
34 Comments/in Climate action, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)2020, I think we can all agree, has been a year unlike no other. The best-laid plans (no… wait… all the plans) went out of the window, and for many of us it was tumultuous and unsettling and a bit (or a lot) of a struggle. But if you’re reading this, you survived the year […]

Keeping chickens: an Omlet Eglu Chicken Coop Review
27 Comments/in Garden, Permaculture Gardening, urban permaculture/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)This post is a collaboration with Omlet. If there is one thing that’s unexpectedly brightened up my 2020, it’s chickens. Adopting chickens back in February was (probably) the best decision I made this year. These adorable, quirky little birds are just bursting with personality, and I really can’t imagine being without them. And now I’m […]

5 steps to a productive food garden (progress in pictures)
13 Comments/in growing food, urban permaculture/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)It’s been just over a year since I moved into my “new” (1970s) house, and just under a year since my garden transformation began. (The transformation from lawn to productive food garden, that is.) And this last month, things have really (finally) taken a big leap forward. There is still so much to do, but […]