7 Tips for Ditching Junk Mail
25 Comments/in Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)A couple of week ago, a brand new Yellow Pages landed at my doorstep. {Shakes fist at all the unnecessary waste generated in creating and delivering a product I will not use, do not want and will put straight in the recycling bin.} I’ve removed myself from the Yellow Pages register at every place I’ve […]

Keeping waste out of landfill: 5 creatives transforming ‘trash’ into useful stuff
16 Comments/in Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)As someone who missed out on the ‘crafty’ gene, I’m always fascinated by people with the talent to create things. In particular, I’m in awe of those people with both the vision and the skill to take ‘waste’, and make it into something actually useful and practical. What’s most impressive to me is when people […]

5 Bad Habits I Shook by Going Zero Waste
15 Comments/in Living With Less Waste, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)Often when we talk about the changes we’ve made since deciding to refuse single-use plastic, reduce our waste and/or live more sustainably, we focus on the products we buy (or no longer buy). There are plenty of articles online about ‘zero waste swaps’ and indeed, I’ve written a few myself. I thought it might be […]

How I chose my solar system setup (+ avoided unnecessary waste)
33 Comments/in Energy/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)When I moved house, my number 2 priority was getting solar panels. (My number 1 priority? That was digging in the compost bin, of course!) I was pretty keen to get a solar system sorted as soon as possible, and as of Tuesday, my roof is now wearing 11 lovely panels and making me free […]

Tired of ‘eco-judgement’? Here’s how I’m tackling it
37 Comments/in environmental guilt, Ethical Living, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)Have you ever made a deliberate choice to do/not do something because of the environmental, ecological and/or social impact, and then mentioned that choice to a friend, shared it on social media, or made a comment to a colleague, only to be told: ‘That’s not the best* thing you could be doing’ / ‘your actions […]

5 Reasons to Choose Etsy for Ethical + Eco-Friendly Purchases
10 Comments/in Ethical Living/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)This post is in partnership with Etsy and contains affiliate links. As a self-professed lover of less stuff, it’s not often you’ll find me talking about shopping. But I accept, we all need to buy some things sometimes. I know that when I need to buy something, I want it to be the most ethical, […]

6 Zero Waste Tips for Moving House
25 Comments/in Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)Last weekend, I moved house. And when it comes to moving, unless you can literally fit all your possessions in a single backpack, it is a bit of an ordeal. There are boxes, packing materials, stuff you forgot you owned, stuff you no longer need, things that are (or get) damaged or broken… and so […]

A Guide to Ethical + Organic Bras (and Bralettes)
29 Comments/in Ethical Living, Zero Waste/by Lindsay (Treading My Own Path)Last updated November 2021. As I’ve said before, many things can be purchased second-hand and pre-loved. Undergarments, not so much. A lightly used bra might possibly be an option for some (versus lightly used underwear, which is a no from me). Personally though, I’ve always purchased my bras new. And I’ve always struggled to find […]