A Zero Waste Minimalist House Tour (Yes, Hoarders Can Change)
Last week I talked about how I’d successfully decluttered my wardrobe (after many attempts and years of trying). In my journey towards living with less waste, I’ve learned that owning stuff we don’t use, don’t like and don’t need is as much a waste as throwing it away. After all, it’s taking up space, time and energy, and for what?! It isn’t being used!
Decluttering doesn’t have to mean throwing stuff away, though. There is no need to send anything to landfill – so long as you have the patience and the commitment to seek out new homes for the things you no longer require. Even the act of giving things away has really cemented in me the understanding that if I don’t want to create waste, I have to think very carefully about what I let through my front door. If I don’t need it, it isn’t coming in…because it will only be something to deal with (and stress over) later.
After years of battling with trying to let go; knowing that my stuff was taking up my time, energy and space, but feeling powerless to act, I’ve found my own way. A way that didn’t involve car boot-fulls of stuff to the tip, or black bin liners dumped in the nearest charity bin with more that a little doubt that any of those items would get re-sold. I made peace with my stuff, and my past choices. Rather than wasting my energy feeling guilty and remorseful about those choices, I used this energy to find new homes for the things I no longer used. Decluttering with a conscience.
My driving force has always been to find my “enough”. I’m not interested in pursuing as little as possible, or being able to count my possessions, or fit them into one suitcase. My “enough” doesn’t look like that. My “enough” is everything that I need, and nothing more. My “enough” means several different sized baking tins; it means a collection of glass jars for food storage and preserving; it means more than one pair of shoes. What my “enough” is not: it is not stuff languishing in the back of the cupboard. It is not stuff that makes me feel guilty, or remorseful. It is not stuff that I’m keeping “just-in-case” when I know deep down that “just-in-case” will never happen.
On that note, I’d love to show you round my home! This is what “enough” looks like for me. Your “enough” probably looks completely different. It’s not about right or wrong, or better or worse. It’s about being true to ourselves. I’m sure there are things I own that you can’t imagine why I’d need them, and similarly, I’m sure I don’t have things that you couldn’t possibly live without! (The great thing about this is, when other people have things that we don’t own, there is always the opportunity to share – to lend and borrow!)
The Kitchen:
Inside some of the drawers:
Under the sink:
The Lounge Area:
Our Dining Table:
My Desk / The Spare Room:
The Bathroom:
The bathroom cupboard:
The Bedroom:
Under the bed:
I used to try to imagine what it would feel like to live in an uncluttered home, and let me tell you, it feels so good to finally be there! Knowing that there will be no more weekends of sorting and decluttering, and that my weekends are mine to spend how I really want to. Which isn’t rearranging my stuff…again. I’d wonder if I’d regret letting go of things, but in truth, I haven’t missed anything. It’s amazing how little I truly need. I just needed to let go of the excess to find this out. All that extra stuff was just wasted time, money and energy… and a huge distraction. I just wish I’d realised sooner, and made a few less mistakes along the way.
Decluttering hasn’t been an easy journey for me, but it has been rewarding and so worthwhile. Now I’ve had the chance to reflect, I’ve taken all those lessons and insights, and I’m putting them together into a brand new resource. If you’re looking to declutter your life (and especially if you hate waste!) I think you’re going to love it! All is revealed here.
What’s next for me? Well, I’m keen to keep experimenting with the idea of less. To keep questioning if I really need things, and to let them go if I don’t. I’m confident that by choosing more versatile garments in future, I will minimalise my wardrobe further. I’m sure I can make space in other areas, too. Time will tell : )
Now I’d love to hear from you!? What did you think of my version of “enough”? How does it compare to your idea of “enough”? Has your version of “enough” changed over time? If you are decluttering, what are your current goals? What are your biggest problem areas, and where have your biggest successes been? If you’re already living a minimalist lifestyle, what were the biggest lessons you learned along the way? What were the hardest items for you to give away/let go of, and how do you feel about them now? If you had your time again, what would you do differently? Anything else you’d like to add? I love hearing your thoughts so please leave a comment below!
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Id love my home to look like this – although I own about 10x the amount of books you have (I study) and a rather large printer and associated parafinalia – I don’t think I own much more than you. My problem as I live in London is space. My whole flat is one room so although I’m minimal in my possessions it still looks cluttered and chaotic …….
Your house is really beautiful !
It’s funny how we all have different needs and weaknesses, Gemma. My weakness is definitely kitchen stuff! I don’t have pointless gadgets though, but I honestly feel that I need all of my baking tins. And I do use them. I’m not sure the same can be said for my snowflake shaped silicone baking tray… : /
But I don’t have a printer (I use the library one) and so I avoid all of that!
I would argue that I have the same problem – space – but from a different perspective! Here homes are just so big! We only needed a one-bedroom flat but the living space was too small (we wanted to be able to invite people round) so to get the living space we wanted we have a whole extra bedroom! With a built in robe that is almost big enough to sleep in! I would like to remove it but apparently there is cabling behind so it is not easy. So we mustn’t be tempted with filling up all the storage. (We won’t be. But a year or so ago, it might have been a different story!)
Thank you. I think being spread out does help create a feeling of calm. If all our things were in one room, I’m sure it would feel less so!
Love your ‘enough’! I’d love this but having kids I find it really difficult. Some areas are getting closer and some are out of control as they are not my personal spaces.
Well done! Truely inspiring!
Thanks Anna! Having a husband alone can be challenging enough – I can’t imagine having kids in the mix too! I guess the trick is bringing them along with you on the journey (although how that happens is not for me to say)!
Just keep focussing on your spaces – it will help keep you sane! : )
It is challenging, but it can be done. Bea with Zero waste home has done it. I also recommend The Purposeful Housewife (her story is spot on!). Those are my favorites when I need help as a mom. Good luck, we’re doing this as a family too!
Thanks for the tips Mary! It’s hard for me to comment without kids – no-one with kids wants advice from someone who doesn’t! (Although we often have such great ideas! :p)
Love it, trying to achieve this in our home. Husband has a different attitude, better keep everything incase it comes in handy! He says our house would be empty if I had my way. Enjoy reading your blog. Cheers.
Thanks Jill! Maybe as your husband starts to see the benefits, he will change his tune! (How can he not when the benefits are so many?!) Good luck with it!
Beautiful home Lindsay. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Our home is not quite as minimal as yours and not as minimal as I’d like. But we are doing well given we have an 15 month old daughter (my glass jar collections do not look as organised as yours but there is no point!) and my husband who is very committed to not buying things but doesn’t like getting rid of things in case he will need them again. We will have another international move coming up in the next year or two so that’s another chance to go through things again. But we probably have about the same amount of things as a family of three that I used to have when I was single, so we are doing okay!
Thanks Mel! I imagine that having a baby makes things a little more challenging. Even our dog has increased the amount of stuff we have! (Namely the bed, muzzle, lead, some papers, a toy, his food, his bowls…it is still stuff!) I suspect a baby is more challenging ; )
Regarding the jars, I used to keep them all jumbled, but I found that sorting them into lines of similar sizes helped me find the right jar more quickly. And it looks so much calmer.
Moving is the best time to sort stuff. But you have to start early to get the best results. Maybe suggest to your husband that now is as good a time as any…?!
Good luck with the decluttering!
In general, it looks good Lindsay. Some suggestions: I think there are too many things in the kitchen cupboard – they should be rearranged to be more accessible or some items removed. I would recommend a separate clothes rack or small wardrobe per person, as I can see that the clothes there do not have much space. The shoes could be kept in clear shoeboxes (you can buy these) across the bottom of the clothes rack.
Thanks for your comment Jillian! It is interesting that you say that the kitchen cupboard looks full, it must be the angle. The bottom shelf has our KeepCups which we also use to drink coffee in at home, and behind that is the coffee and tea. Plus the milk jug and coffee wand thing for the machine. It all comes out when we make coffee, and all goes back when we’re done. Easy!
I’m actually really happy that we’ve managed to reduce our clothing down to a single rail. When we were thinking about storage for the bedroom, we decided that we’d get one rail and if things didn’t fit, they would go. (Maybe not straightaway, but in time.) It’s not overly full, and I suspect that in time we will reduce what we have slightly more. One of the drawers in the chest of drawers is completely empty, so that is an option for overflow. We would rather have to work with less space than more!
As for the boxes, I’m happy with my shoes as they are – I do not have the patience to put them into and take them out of boxes! Aside from that, the clear ones sound like they’d be made from plastic and I don’t buy plastic. One thing we’ve decided on this decluttering journey is that we don’t need better storage – we need less stuff!
Thanks for taking the time to make the suggestions, Jillian! It gave me something to think about. Much appreciated : )
This is hillarious!! :) for a moment I thought you were pretending to be bossing around giving unsolicited advice. But probably not, probably not :)
I’m sure you didn’t intend it to sound like that but to me it was in my primary school teacher’s voice – “Ok, Lindsay, you may be sitted. You grade is A- ”
I absolutely loved Lindsays responce – it’s an amazing gift to be appreciative and see the essence of the comment and good intentions behind something that might sound a bit too bossy.
Haha, your comment amused me Gayla!
Although… I’m pretty sure I got a B- ; )
I love your home! It’s so uncluttered and open! I’m still in the process of letting things go. I’ve gotten rid of a lot but I still have more than “enough”. I had been feeling good about my possessions until last month when I moved (and downsized by 300 sq ft). There’s nothing like moving to really give you a clear picture of how much stuff you own! I’m looking forward to continuing along my minimizing journey.
Thanks Stephanie! Decluttering is a process that takes time. I used to think that I would barely manage with what was left, and each time realised that I could let go of a little more. It took quite a few rounds to get to “enough”. Now I’m looking forward to testing less and seeing if that translates to “less than enough” or just moves my boundaries again.
Moving also brings up a lot of resentment for stuff, I think! And you discover things you’d forgotten about. It is amazing how much stuff we have that we only notice when we have to haul it across town!
Good luck with the decluttering! : )
Thanks for sharing! I love to see what ‘enough’ looks like for others. You have created a beautiful uncluttered space!
Thanks Jen, I appreciate your kind words! It’s always good to see how other people interpret things, I think!
Inspiring! I’ve always been quite minimal with my possessions. But I only recently heard of the concept of minimalism, which basically gave voice and purpose to my current philosophy. I know many hoarders (which I think is what led me to that philosophy I the first place). My mom is currently dejunking, but I see it time and again that she does it in an effort to simplify her cleaning regimen. The problem is that she neglects many of the things that are actually complicating it. She focuses on those things that are easy for her to part with and neglects those that would make the biggest impact. Any suggestions on approaching the conversation?
Thanks Mary and great question! If she is trying to simplify her cleaning regime than I would assume she doesn’t enjoy tidying and cleaning (I mean, I feel like “who does?” but I know there are people that do!). And better organization and storage never leads to more tidiness unless you really love to tidy – it’s more things and stuff to open and close and rearrange. So I would suggest going really big, and asking her how she like spending her time, the things she likes to do (that aren’t shopping!) and then try to lead the conversation so she sees that tidying is getting in the way of that.
I always recommend starting with the easy stuff, but there comes a point when you need to move onto hard stuff! That said, some easy stuff has a big impact and some has a small impact, and even distinguishing this can make a difference. Being able to see results is quite rewarding, and helps us realise the benefits and feel more determined.
But I would focus on values, how she’d like to spend her time, the things she enjoys doing. What she will gain rather than what she will lose. And try to steer the conversation. I hope that helps! Let me know how it goes!
What a beautiful kitchen! And such a great idea to store glass jars under the sink! My daughter just moved away from home, so I’ve been able to make a few changes & declutter. My husband is pretty good with my recent attempts at minimalism, though I still feel like our living room is too cluttered. There are a few decorative pieces that I just love so much that I won’t part with. Thanks for your house tour its so inspiring & interesting.
Thanks Holly! We ditched all of our chemical cleaning products years ago and use bicarb, vinegar etc now, so these can live in the pantry as they are multi-purpose. Keeps the “under the sink” space clear!
If you love the decorative pieces then don’t part with them! Maybe you could re-home some of them elsewhere in the house if you feel like the living room is too cluttered? Or get rid of some furniture?! ; )
Thanks for taking the time to have a look around!
First impressions are ..does anyone live there? No art..no pictures? No photographs? It doesn’t look homely to me but then I thought about it a bit more and understand how liberating it must be and head clearing and cleansing..so I get it.but don’t think I can do it as much as you have due to all the sentimental items I own! We did have a major clear out some months back and gave away lots of clothes..took bags and bags of nick nacks ornaments etc to a charity shop which felt really good! But also put alot in the attic for just in case! Now the thought of the attic in a mess is giving me a headache so I know that will have to be tackled soon..baby steps! But love your blog!!⭐
Haha, it’s funny you say that Debbie – we do have some pictures but we haven’t got round to hanging them up yet! We don’t have a drill and the effort required to borrow one and get some hooks has been enough for us not to get around to it. We were also keen to really adjust to our space first before putting anything up so we put things in the right places. Less is more! ; )
I have a couple of parrot prints (birds native to our area) that you can just make out sitting on the floor behind the desk – so I still get to look at them. And I like having a few plants around – it makes our home feel more “alive”, I think! I don’t want to have all white walls just for the sake of it. I think it is about balance…
I have to say, I have done that so many times – kept things just in case, only to have to re-look at them later! And sometimes you do feel like – gah, I should have got rid of it all at once! But of course, it isn’t that easy. some things need time to let go of, and I think clearly all the truly unnecessary gives us time to adjust, and question whether the other stuff is actually necessary or not. “Not seeing the wood for the trees”, so to speak. Turns out I had a lot more trees than I thought!
And of course we are all different, and we all have to find a way that works for us. I know I have far more baking tins than most other non-minimalists! But baking brings me joy, and I can think of uses for them all. So maybe your thing is pictures, and mine is cake tins! ;)
Good luck with the attic clearing! : )
GLORIOUS! A++, would snoop again.
Haha, thank you Rebekah! I’m thinking of writing a post about my kitchen (my least minimal room) and talking about my zero waste choices and minimalist choices so you may even get an opportunity to rummage through my drawers! ; ) (Should you want to!)
Lindsay, what a privilege to be invited into your beautiful home. I love your blog and all the inspiration you give so generously. You have no idea what impact you are having on our home over here. You talk so much sense and make it so much easier for me to rationalise letting stuff go. I am so glad to see a pair of walking boots in your shoe collection as they are one possession I could not live without. Really looking forward to hearing about your new resource.
Thank you :0)
Thank you Wendy – and my pleasure! If you lived nearby you’d be welcomed in for a real cuppa rather than just a virtual one!
Thanks for your kind words, and glad to hear that you’ve been able to make positive changes in your home! Yes, I have a pair of walking boots. We are hoping to walk the Santiago de Camino in the next year or too, plus we have an awesome track here called the Bibbulmun track that is 1000km which I’d love to walk too : )
Nothing like getting out into nature…
Your home is my goal! I just finished my bedroom. Still have to discard some clothes… My living room is ok, but I have to kids and this is my biggest challenge! They don’t want to get rid of their multiple toys and things…which they don’t even use. I am continuing my journey of decluttering. Everyday I put stuff on the side and try to find someone to give to. Someday I hope I will be able to says I have found my enough!
Bravo to you! You home is very sweet!
Aw, thank you! I’m thinking that when winter ends (IF winter ends..it has been dragging on forever!) that I will probably let go of some more things from my wardrobe. I’m not keen on changing my wardrobe every season, but I think it’s a good opportunity to let go of things I know are wearing out/I no longer want to wear. No point storing them for 6 months just to wear them twice next winter!
I remember back to when I was a kid, and boy did I have a lot of stuff! My friend Tina had a tiny bedroom and was always ruthless with stuff – she still is! I was asking her why she thought that was fairly recently, and she remembers as a kid having to go through her bedroom and choose what to keep and what to go. There wasn’t the space to keep it. So she got into the habit early on. I had an enormous bedroom and was allowed (encouraged, even) to keep it all…so I never learned to declutter. I think it is a good skill to instill in your kids, if you can!
loved it, especially under the bed!! you’re right, that minimalist can be too little.
Thanks Cathleen! For so many years I would obsess about under-bed storage! I had to have a bed that wall tall enough to store boxes underneath. In fact this bed was purchased (second-hand) following that rule, and in both our other homes we stored stuff underneath.
Now it is clear – and so much easier to vacuum! Plus it gives me a sense of accomplishment. A visual reminder of what I have achieved! And also that I, er, need to dust…
Looks awesome! So tranquil and peaceful. A real break from the craziness of the outside world. My kind of home. I imagine you are still working on things as life passes you by. Thank you for the inspiration!
Thanks Carolina, yes it does feel like that! And yes, I think there are still adjustments to be made, and things will always change – we don’t live static lives ; ) But it feels good to know that the hard work is done.
Books are also our weakness. Your home looks amazing, now you only need a tiny home so that doesn’t look like a “wasted” space. thank you fro sharing!
I do feel that our home is bigger than we need, but small homes aren’t easy to find here. (Most have 3/4+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, separate study nooks and theatre rooms and all kids of crazy stuff!) And a tiny home is just too small! We are thinking about how to use the space better. Always something to work on!
Truly admirable!! Have a good week
Beautiful – thanks for sharing your house with us.
Thank you! Thanks for taking the time to look!
I love your beautiful new home. I’ve progressed to remodeling, but do still have some more basement boxes and of course the closets left to clean out. I think one reason it has taken me so long is that I’ve been way too picky about where to donate things, thinking that it’s my responsibility to get stuff where it’s needed so it won’t end up in the landfills. I should just quit obsessing and “let go”.
Thanks Sandy! It does take longer if you want to get rid of stuff responsibly, but that is the best way to do it, if you have the patience! So don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ve had some great things that you’ve decluttered that other people will really appreciate and want (like those books), and just hauling it to the charity shop would have been a waste, no doubt.
I think it’s about balance. If you know something is good quality, in good condition and in demand, then donating to the charity shop is fine. for the obscure or rarer stuff that might not be identified correctly, finding new owners yourself is best. But it can be a strain on our patience, too. Do what feels right!
Personally, I love your commitment to not simply chucking stuff away and finding proper homes for it all! (And I’m still sad that I couldn’t claim those glass vintage butter dishes you had! If you were round the corner, maybe my home would not be so minimalist… ;)
I just moved into our new (family sized) home which has a ton more space and storage compared to our old place, and seeing your arrangement is very inspiring whilst I’m deciding where to put everything! I think we have a way to go with reducing clutter, but my efforts so far have definitely made this move much easier than the last one. I too have a weakness for baking trays (and do use them all!). Thanks for a peek into you cupboards ;)
It’s not a weakness if you use them all, Chisa! I suspect my weakness has a lot more to do with eating cake than baking trays!
Whereas I used to see more storage as an excuse to own more stuff, now I see it as an opportunity to be able to see what I own properly. Not to buy more! Good luck and don’t let the extra storage seduce you!
So you have no TV, no radio, no pictures to look at, very little books. Can I ask what you guys do all evening? There nothing to look at. This is difficult for me.
I ask because I love music and so we have many cds & records. The physical item is so much more interesting than a digital download. I love art too and my partner is a photographer so we have many pictures to look at and books on art.
These I cannot part with as they bring much joy, all of them, despite the space they take up.
The same with many of my cooking, sewing and gardening stuff. I use it all.
I have over the years learnt to get rid of stuff that I haven’t used for a few years, but I keep stuff I know I have looked at/listened to/ used in the last year, but still have so much.
Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment! No we don’t have a TV. We do have a radio, you can see it in the living area in between the sofa and the chair. We don’t have many books because we prefer to use the library – most books we only intend to read once, so we borrow them. The few I own are ones I use often (recipe books, mostly). The red-and-white bag next to the chair in the living room is our library bag, and it is usually full! As well as books, we also borrow magazines, DVDs and CDs from the library. (Our library is well used!) We use the laptop to play CDs and DVDs.
So in answer to your question: we read, watch DVDs, listen to music, chat, play board games, maybe browse the internet. The kind of things that most other people do! We just don’t feel the need to own these things, that is the difference ;)
We have big doors in all of our rooms that look out onto our veggie garden, and I love looking outside at things that grow : ) We intend to put a few pictures on the walls in time, but nature is our favourite!
If we didn’t have these big, beautiful windows and an attractive garden space, I am sure I would put up more pictures.
So long as things are beautiful, loved and used, then they have a purpose! We just chose to let go of everything that didn’t have a purpose for us, and this is what it looks like. Of course, everyone’s version of this is different : )
With some things, even though we used them, we realised we could compromise with other stuff, and we found that having less made it easier to see what we did have, and created less clutter/washing up/sorting/ putting away. It’s been a fun and interesting journey!
nice one. I like looking out the window at the garden growing too!
Nature is amazing! : )
some things that might be appropriate for your extra closet: food storage–if you buy in bulk, you might use large containers for, say, a years worth of oatmeal, or raisins, or dried apples. winter squash and potatoes like dark, cool spaces… you might save some money and have something put away against hard times. alternately, if the lighting is decent, it could be a maker space. say you took up sewing to keep you clothing in good shape so it lasts longer. perhaps with your difficulty in finding the right black top, you could have altered or made one to perfectly suit your needs. or maybe you would take up quilting to use up bits of fabric that would go to waste and make a one-of-a-kind modern bed quilt.
once upon a time, homes were production centers for most of what a family needed to have–the opposite of the consumer culture we see now. I can almost guarantee that most people will take better care of something they made themselves(even if imperfect) than if they buy it at the mall.
Thanks for your suggestions Emmer! I tend not to buy in bulk as we have so many bulk stores very close to us, so there is no need. But once the garden is cranking and I need/want to start preserving, this would be a great spot!
I have thought that it would be a great maker space (yes, the light is awesome) – I just need to learn how to “make”! But it is on the to-do list (as I say all the time.) I will get there!
Thanks and have a great week!
Thanks for sharing that Lindsay. It is always inspiring to peek into other people’s homes. Mine is not a minimalist as I would like yet, but I get so motivated to do another round of clearing out whenever I see what is possible. My holidays next week are earmarked for another go.
I know I’m getting there because other people’s homes seems so overwhelmingly cluttered to me and I can be quite uncomfortable and anxious around so much mess and unnecessary stuff. Some people find my home quite confronting, but others comment on the sense of calm. Yours looks beautiful to me.
Thanks Ness. I think seeing how other people live and the choices they’ve made is a great way to decide if we think they can work for us too, and get inspiration. Some minimalist houses I see, I know I could never live like that. But even then, there will be things that I notice or ideas that I take away. The more we share the easier it is for others, I think!
I know what you mean! I see shelves and cupboards overloaded with trinkets in other people’s homes and I realise how far I have come. It’s definitely about the “calm”. That is so important to me, too.
Thank you, for sharing your home, Lindsay. I’ve been in a funk about my home and seeing the pictures of your home helped me to see what I have been trying to ignore. My home is a construction site and after two years I’m done. I want the calm that comes with things being completed and all the clear surfaces. Of course my home has to have lots of art on the walls for me to be happy, it’s the first thing unpacked and put in place on each move. :-)
My pleasure Lois! I’m glad to have helped. Living in a construction site can’t be easy, but at least you’re working towards a space you really like. You’ll get there! And when you do, you won’t remember all the pain of waiting! ;)
The first thing that I unpack is all my kitchen things! Love how we’re all different! : )
Thanks for your always inspiring posts! While I am quite succesfull in terms of decluttering my book shelves (own only a dozen or so books) and kitchen, I have a hard time to not hoard notes. I often write down notes on random pieces of paper which I will then lay on my desk for months because I may need them later… Any advice for this?
Thanks Annemieke! I’m pretty sure not that long ago you were tossing up whether to donate your books – great to hear you’ve reduced them! I know a lot of people are very attached to books, but they are such an easy thing to replace second-hand or borrow from friends/the library!
I do EXACTLY the same thing, so that is a great question. This is a work in progress for me. First of all, I do NOT allow myself to keep envelopes on my desk any more. I still have other papers (say bills I need to pay) which I’ll then write on the back of, but it is far less. About once a week, I’ll go through all the paper notes and copy anything I need into my phone. I have a great (free) app called Evernote which I use to collate things. I either take photos or create virtual notebooks to record stuff.
I also have a few notebooks. I would love to tell you I have a system, but not quite. Two have a clear purpose for specific projects I’m working on. The other two are for random notes. Clearly I should only have one for random notes – having two can be quite confusing. At some stage I’ll go through them both. In the long term I’d like to make more notes online, and maybe just have one or two paper notebooks, but I do like to write things down as I think of them!
Moving from paper to electronic systems is a work in progress, and I’m still finding my way. It’s a habit I still need to master but I definitely feel it is worthwhile! hope that helps!
Looks relaxing to be in,well done.One question.Greyhound?
Hi Felicity, if you look at the picture of the kitchen you can see his reflection in the oven door! ;)
I love the idea, but your home doesn’t even look lived in! I guess I need more of my “personality” in my house, since I tend to make a lot of handmade goods. I bet you feel light and airy in your space.
We have a few more thing now Patti – we’d only lived here for six months when I took these pics. There is now a bit of artwork on the walls. I like white space but my husband does not, so we compromise. And I’m currently sitting surrounded by last night’s dishes and with piles of notes written on the back of envelopes – so it definitely looks lived in right now! ;)
Decluttering certainly does set free! Just moved from WA to QLD & took 4 months to downsize & let go of stuff we would not have space for. Still settling in to new smaller home but can certainly identify more stuff that needs to go. Hardest to let go are some handmade items & stuff (from parents who have passed away) which we don’t need or even use! Can’t quite do that yet. Any ideas?
I agree, Shelley! Regarding the sentimental stuff, it definitely takes time. You could try taking pictures of things and then letting go of the actual items. Or finding someone who will LOVE them (it is easy to give away items to someone who you know really appreciates what you have). Maybe just focus on getting rid of one thing, or a couple. Decluttering is like a muscle, it gets stronger the more you do it :)
Hi! Thanks for sharing the photos of your home – it’s so interesting to see and learn from! I spotted some tiffins in your drawers – any advice where to get some? I’d like to get some that tick the box of stainless steel and ethically made.
Your kitchen is beautiful! And your book collection!
Thanks Sandy!