A month without.
Today is the 1st July. I quite like that it also happens to be a Monday. It feels like an even better day for the start of new things. Plastic Free July has started, so it’s a month without plastic. As we don’t buy anything much in plastic these days, it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge, but it’ll be good to keep us on our toes and keep track of anything that does come our way, which we will put in the dilemma bag. The dilemma bag is for all the plastic we just can’t do without, or the sneaky plastic that thwarts our attempts to buy plastic-free. When we first gave up plastic, we kept everything in a dilemma bag but we had nowhere to keep it so after a few months we decided to stop. But we’ll resume it for the month and see how much (hopefully none!) we accumulate. I already had an incident with a straw today. I ordered a juice from a cafe and it was brought out with a straw. I don’t order drinks that come with straws often so I always forget to say I don’t want one. Anyways, as the waiter was still there I told him it was Plastic Free July, and I didn’t need his straw, and he took it away. I’m sure it will still head to landfill, but hopefully if enough people make a point of refusing them it will make the cafes think twice about giving them out. So I’m still plastic free so far!
The other thing I’m quitting for a month is dairy. That means milk, yoghurt, cheese and butter. This isn’t a little challenge I dreamed up for myself, in fact it’s not actually my idea. Without wanting to go into too much detail I’ve been having some issues, and the prognosis is that I should cut out dairy, and see if it makes a difference.
Which is very annoying.
But then again, so is being in discomfort EVERY SINGLE DAY. So after a couple of weeks of considering, I’ve decided that I need to properly cut out all dairy products for a month, and see what happens, and how I feel.
I just wanted to share this with you as I’m quite looking forward to a month of experimenting in the kitchen, and I’ve no doubts some of the things I make will end up on the blog. There’s something quite fun about a challenge (or two), don’t you think?
Cutting out dairy is good, but it’s much more important to cut out gluten and sugar.
I’m not sure what exactly you’re referring to… More important for what?! I’ve been advised to cut out dairy, so that’s what I’m doing. One step at a time!
I recently tried The 4 Week Energy Diet (she’s on facebook) which prescribes cutting out dairy and gluten. I was surprised at how much better I felt, given that I didn’t realise how bad I had been feeling until I went without dairy and gluten. The book has some really good recipes (one’s I will actually make and eat), but perhaps not a lot of dairy alternative ideas. I good source for ideas may be http://www.healthybursts.com.au by Anita who is into all that healthy stuff and Quirky Cooking who is the queen of make your own!
I didn’t actually think I ate that much dairy, until I realised that butter is in EVERYTHING! Thanks for the tips, I’ll head over and have a look : )